Make a Difference

What is our organization’s overreaching global goal?

To Empower people to live whole and healed.


What is our organization’s specific goal?

To Empower people to live from the inside out. Building up self-awareness and identity to promote healing. Leading to positive change in communities, nations, and the world.


What is our strategy to achieve this goal?

Providing free online group training, individual mentorship, and community outreach to the homeless and those in need.


How is our organization having an impact in a unique and innovative way?

Our impact starts at the individual level educating people through live online training about healing on a wholistic level, emotionally, spiritually, mentally, physically, and financially. Then we take those principles out into our communities, nations, and the world. To effect change right from where we are.


How do we measure our impact?

We measure our impact by the lives that are changed and touched.  When people who didn't believe they could and did or those believe they weren't enough and then realize they are more than enough walking in their purpose.


Here are 3 examples or stories that capture our impact?

1. One of the ladies who took our training came to us right after her teen son passed away. She never thought she was going to make it but she kept coming and kept healing. Now she has been empowered and started to realize she has more to give. Now she is the head of the Youth Empowerment group giving encouragement and building up the next generation of Chosen Royalty.

2. A gentleman started coming to our training and he was very shy due to past hurt that he experienced in other similar environments. Through the love, support, and empowerment of others he was able to break through those barriers to explore the inner strength he had all along, and now he heads our Men Empowerment group that propels men to be Amplified in their homes, community, and everywhere they go.  

3. One of our most valuable places of impact is seeing the faces, hearing the stories, and connecting with the community face to face when we perform our Hands of Mercy Community Outreach to the homeless and those in need. To see the grateful faces. Presenting the opportunity for people to have dignity, not because of title, label, or income but just for being a human being.


The 3 top challenges our organization is facing?

(resources, funding, awareness)

1. Resources - supplies for the homeless and needy such as coats, blankets, socks, hand & feet warmers, non-perishable (quick to eat foods/beverages).

2. Volunteers - We need volunteers for outreach, to be the Hands of Mercy to those in need.

3. Funding - We want to continue offering these services for free. Your donations make it possible.  I wish there was another way, but donations make our work here so much easier to reach as many as possible changing lives one person at a time. Maybe you have a strong conviction about the work we do here at CBFF Inc. and want to be part of the Empowering change that's happening. We invite you to give as you see fit and know that 90% of what we receive goes back into the organization and the other 10% cover overhead, administrative, and function cost to keep us going. We thank you in advance for your support.


How should people interested in our cause get involved?

You're ready to effect change from right where you are? Please contact us at We invite you to come visit us at CBFFINC.ORG for more information.


*We keep overheads low so almost all of your donation is spent on the ministry & community outreach. 90% of all donations go directly towards our programs. 10% of all donations go towards admin/finance management. All to the glory of God. Thank you for your support.*

Hands of Mercy Outreach - Gearing up to Give.

Hands of Mercy Outreach Ministry - Gearin up to give!

Tens - Twenty Weekly

Give $10, Weekly!

Give $20, Weekly!

We give where there is need - Join Us! Help those in need.

Thirty - Forty Weekly

Give $30, Weekly!

Give $40, Weekly!

When we all come together to help, God gives the increase.

$50 - $100 Monthly

Give $50, Monthly!

Give $100, Monthly!