Spirit, Soul, Body

Are we like God? If so, how? If not, why? These are some of the questions I asked myself when I started to think about the Image of God. What does it mean to say that we are made in the image of God? Well He's our Father and the apple doesn't fall too far from the tree... or does it? Let's see what the bible has to say.


Don't Believe the HYPE!!! - Everything that sounds good is not sound. - Romans 1

The letter to the church in Rome talks about some foundational truths of the Gospel Kingdom message. Some of the members at that time (just like today) were confused on some points of the Kingdom message. The Apostle Paul helped straighten that out. Let's see what the Bible has to say.


Hypocrites here, there, and everywhere. - Romans 2

We find hypocrisy in every area of life in almost every place. The church is no different and that's not because of God but because of people. Where people are there will be imperfections. This is why God's word addresses measures we can take against being hypocrites but those who walk in the Spirit doing that which please God.


Does God give brownie points? - Romans 3

There are some who believe depending on who you are you can get brownie points from God. This is not what the bible teaches. God is no respecter of persons. God looks at the inner part of humans to see if our spirit aligns with His. Let's explore this and see what the Bible has to say.

FAITH is an Action Verb! - Romans 4

Faith is not passive but active. Faith is the powerhouse of our trust and belief In God. Faith is where our salvation is based. Believing His word, will, and ways. Faith moves us to act on what we believe. Faith is an action verb.


Walk this way! - Romans 5-7.

Romans 5-7 lays out the blueprint for all we need to walk the way that is pleasing to God. We see how God's love for us gave us grace and all the trimmings to keep sin at bay. WE are mighty in God! His word is the foundation of godly living. Let's see what the word of God has to say!


Sunday Worship - 8.30.20

Ephesians 5

Let’s walk through the Bible together. Line by line, precept on precept. Paul is writing to the church at Ephesus under the direction of the Holy Spirit. However, this word is relevant for today.


Got Armor? Time to Gear UP!

Ephesians 6 - Have you ever felt like you're in a battle with no weapons. Well, we're going to tell you today about the spiritual weapons we are given by our Heavenly Father. Got Armor? Then, Gear UP!