Upcoming Events
Imperfect Relationship Roundtable
Imperfect Relationships, guided by a perfect God. There is no perfect person, so there will be no perfect relationship. However, we serve a perfect God who guides us in all relationships. Join us as we learn from God and each other different skills and techniques that could help us build stronger interpersonal relationships.
Hands of Mercy Community Outreach
We believe that every person is valuable and therefore deserves dignity, respect, and resources. We provide monthly community outreach to the homeless and those in need. Donations and prayers are welcome!
Wednesday Morning Prayer - Sunrise Session
Prayer is Powerful! If you need prayer or want to pray for someone please come. Sit in the presence of God. He's listening.
Global Prayer
Global Family 24-7 Prayer
Connection Bible Fellowship is partnering with the Global Family 24/7 Online Prayer Room. The vision is to raise 24/7 continuous worship saturated prayer on Zoom for 2021. It is a collaboration of many international ministries from all six continents and in twelve languages—a living expression of the One New Man in Christ, Yeshua. We'd love for you to join us
Exalted Women’s Ministry - Bible Study
Exalted Women’s Ministry - Bible Study
Time: 8:00 pm - 1st and 3rd Thursday of the month
Join Zoom Meeting https://us02web.zoom.us/j/8459410959?pwd=K2d1MnF6SnVzTVNZUExNamZuV005UT09
Meeting ID: 845 941 0959 Passcode: GreatIAM
Sunday Worship
Topic: Connection Bible Fellowship Sunday Worship - Zoom Meeting
Time: 1:00 pm Every Sunday (unless notified of change)
Join Zoom Meeting https://us02web.zoom.us/j/8459410959?pwd=K2d1MnF6SnVzTVNZUExNamZuV005UT09
Meeting ID: 845 941 0959
Passcode: GreatIAM
Wednesday Evening Prayer
Every 2nd and 4th Wednesday
Meeting ID: 845 941 0959
Passcode: GreatIAM